The three previous scanner blogs:
The Scanner a burst of inspiration
This week’s photographic obsession in which I combine parts of photographs and objects placed on my scanner will produce some smiles today. A few photographers and I will meet at 1:30 at the Sylvia Hotel for lunch or coffee. We have had a couple of sporadic reunions which all have been on Wednesdays. The reason is that one of the stellar attendees, Jeff Gin, who is manager of the North Van Kerrisdale Cameras has a day off on that day. We are now going to formally organize ourselves to meet on the last Wednesday of every month.
Part of our core is made up by Robert Kwong, Hans Sipma, Ian McGuffie and Ralph Rinke.
Why are these folks going to smile? Today’s scanner blog (will I call them that henceforth?) incorporates all the elements of a technique that Rinke has perfected in which he places a high contrast b+w portrait transparency on a hosta leaf with some sort of clamped glass and places it all to the exposure of sun for two or three hours. It seems that the chlorophyll acts in conjunction with the UV of sunlight to produce an image on the leaf.
My scanner image includes the framed image of me taken by Rinke, hisb+w transparency, my Pentacon-F (my first camera purchased in 1958 which is the camera I am holding in the portrait) and my photograph of Ralph and Robert when they came for a visit a year or two ago.
Two of them will surely smile as I have made two prints for them.