Cinderella is Filed with the Cs
Friday, January 24, 2020
In this 2020 I have vowed to get rid of stuff. This is difficult, particularly with my photo files which are very large.
Today lawyers were on my agenda for the trash. Singleton
Urquart, followed Thorstensen’s and a few more law firms that I photographed in
the 90s. In order to take my equipment downtown
purchased a municipal plate that allowed me to load or unload in loading
zones or back alleys for 30 minutes. I had a dolly that helped me move the
stuff to the buildings and up the elevators.
There were other firms I worked for. One in particular Roberston Pick was an ad
agency that specialized in real estate and I believe built homes. Most of
Roberston Pick went to my oficina trash basket. There was one envelope that
included b+w negatives and an 8x10 print with fixer stains as the Ilford
plastic coated paper of the 90s was not archival. The envelope is titled
Cinderella and I have no memory of the assignment or who the little girl was.
The date on the fax is 1994. This would make the little girl be in her 30s.
I wonder who she was? She will survive in my files. The little girl is now in the Cs as Cinderella.