El Hornero - Furnarius rufus
Tuesday, May 03, 2016
In my youth I was fortunate to be sent to summer camps in the Argentine Pampa by my parents. There was the pleasure of riding a horse on an Argentine saddle (two or three sheepskins cinched up with stirrups) and running after South American ostriches (but never catching up to them), of seeing that lonely Ombú (a sort of very large tree) breaking the monotony of the horizon, the sound of the teros, a most elegant bird, swooping to protect their nests, not finding any pebbles to use with my sling because the pampas are just plain and rich dirt, but in reference to this blog, seeing those roundish Hornero nests on top of crooked fence posts (when one happened to see a fence post, a most rare occurrence, brought me delight. I was told by gauchos that the serpentine entrance of the nest is supposed to prevent snakes and other little animals from getting to the eggs.
The genus Furnarius
contains several species, all small birds, living on the ground, and inhabiting
open dry countries. In structure they cannot be compared to any European form.
Ornithologists have generally included them among the creepers, although
opposed to that family en every habit. The best known species is the common
oven-bird of La Plata, the Casara or housemaker of the Spaniards. The nest,
whence it takes its name, is place in the most exposed situations, as on the
top of a post, a bare rock, or on a cactus. It is composed of mud and bits of
straw, and has strong thick walls: in shape it precisely resembles an oven, or
depressed beehive. The opening is large and arched, and directly in front,
within the nest, there is a partition, which reaches nearly to the roof, thus
forming a passage or antechamber to the true nest.
Chapter V – The Voyage of the Beagle – Charles Darwin
casita del hornero
alcoba y tiene sala.
En la
alcoba la hembra instala
el nido entero.
En la
sala, muy orondo,
el padre
guarda la puerta,
con su
camisa entreabierta
sobre su
buche redondo.
siempre un poco viejo
su traje
aseado y sencillo,
que, con
tanto hacer ladrillo,
se la
habrá puesto bermejo.
como un artista
el gajo
de un sauce añoso,
o en el
poste rumoroso
vuelve telegrafista.
Allá, si
el barro está blando,
canta su
gozo sincero.
quisiera ser hornero
y hacer
mi choza cantando.
Así le
sale bien todo,
y así,
en su honrado desvelo,
mirando al cielo
en el agua
de su lodo.
fuera la construcción,
como una
cabeza crece,
por dentro, parece
un tosco
y buen corazón.
como su casa es centro
de todo
amor y destreza,
la saca
de su cabeza
y el
corazón pone adentro.
trabaja en paja y barro,
la trabaja,
que en
el barro y en la paja
arquitecto bizarro.
casita del hornero
sala y tiene alcoba,
y aunque
en ella no hay escoba,
está con todo esmero.
el hornero el horno,
y con el
último toque,
le deja
áspero el revoque
el frío y el bochorno.
explora al vuelo el circuito,
cobre la tierra lisa,
con tal
fuerza y garbo pisa,
parece un martillito.
La choza
se orea, en tanto,
a su señora,
elegante y avizora,
llena su
humildad de encanto.
Y cuando
acaba, jovial,
arreglarla a su deseo,
le pone
con un gorjeo
vajilla de cristal.