It's Not Over Until The Two Funny Ladies Laugh
Tuesday, October 02, 2007

My grandmother Lolita often told me, "Nadie te quita lo bailado." Roughly into English it means, "Nobody can take away the enjoyment of the dances that you have danced." I believe she was ahead of her time. She never told me to not do this or that. Her tack was, "If you do this, this is what is going to follow." Most of her sayings came from Cervantes's Don Quijote de la Mancha. I thought I had forgotten many of them and now I find that in the presence of Rebecca, who might be doing something she should not be doing, I suddenly remember the ones that fit. It is sort of like the botanical Greek and Latin nomenclature of the plants in my garden. It all but disappears as winter sets in and as soon as spring comes I can utter Betula utilus var. jacquemontii (Himalayan Birch) without a problem.
And as the winter gloom sets in I can always smile if I think of two of the funniest actresses in town, Manon Beaudoin (top, left) and Lois Anderson (bottom, right) from Leaky Heaven Circus. But when they want to be serious, they can make you cry. Manon Beaudoin is now writing plays and Lois Anderson is the most accomplished actress in Vancouver. She almost stole the show from Jonathon Young in Trout Stanley. But it was then that I discovered that Anderson could not only laugh and make me cry but she was also ravishingly sexy.