A Well Dressed Mistake
Saturday, July 06, 2019
Rayuela – Julio Cortázar
The explanation is a
well-dressed mistake.
Hopscotch – Julio Cortázar
Because of differences between my Spanish and your English,
the latter part of Cortázar’s quote has a more direct secondary meaning. A
vestido in Spanish is a dress so the connection to the article of female clothing
is implied but not there in the translation.
In this 21st century it is easy to put dress, the
name of a poet or writer and you instantly hit poetic pay dirt.
I am neither a poet nor a writer. I am a retired, redundant,
obsolete & inconsequential photographer with enough savvy (experience) to
know that this photograph of Kathryn is special. It is highly erotic. In my
quest (many years of it) to pin down what exactly is eroticism I believe this
picture simply tells me, “You will know when you see it.”