My photography files are like an iceberg gone south. Today I
looked at my Mexico files and found at least 200 photographs, in b+w, colour
negative and Kodachromes on Palenque in Chiapas. I was there in 1981. In those
days I traveled alone.
When I did this in Mexico in the hot summer and rainy
season I was accompanied by a box of Flor de la Costa cigars from Veracruz to
keep mosquitoes at bay.
I remember leaving in the morning from a ramshackle hotel in
Palenque where I was told by the front desk clerk that they had no way of
giving me a wakeup call. This meant I was unable to sleep that night knowing I
had to make it to the Villahermosa airport on time to take my Mexicana de
Aviación flight.
I remember that the third class bus had many forward gears
and every time it had to stop to pick up or drop off passengers with pigs and
fowls that it took quite a while for the bus to pick up speed. I was worried
but could not but notice that the wire
fences had strange slim wooden poles that were all sprouting green leaves.
In many ways I felt like an amateur archaeologist traveling
at a time when at least in Palenque there were no Americans and Expedia was as
alien as Starbucks in Oaxaca.
As my grandmother often told me, “Nadie te quita lo
bailado.” I certainly did dance.