Light Leaks
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
More delightful pictures of Kimberly will see the light of day tomorrow but I must cook for my wife this evening and we will then watch a film on TV. But domestic affairs will not prevent me from leaking a glimpse into one of those photographs. As I was perusing them I noticed that the first two exposures of one of our sessions showed the results of a light leak. The leak was caused by not loading my Mamiya RB-67 in subdued light or perhaps when I unpacked the roll I allowed it to unroll slightly (as 220 rolls sometimes did) and light managed to get in to those first exposures.
The negative was certainly printable as the leak was minor. I believe that the effect is far from detrimental. It made me think that I would call the blog entry for it Light Leaks. And that made me think further that the title could be a complete sentence if you consider leaks to be a verb and not a noun. That led me to wonder if light leaks is an example of leaks as a transitive verb in what could be an unfinished sentence – Mr. Light leaks information under a pseudonym. Light leaks, is a sentence in particular if leaks is intransitive, which it is, too. Light leaks. Ice floats and so on.
And all the above made me relive the days of sentence diagramming which I must admit was almost fun to do. I have a notion that sentence diagramming is about as dead as the age of the halftone process – gone the way of Pontiacs, Oldsmobiles (and in particular the Oldsmobile Achieva), Kodak (and Retina Reflexes), Aires Cameras, film, portable Dymo Tape machines, and spark plug gap adjusting. And of course there are few examples, if any, of digital images that have been exposed to a light leak.