El Borrado - Not
Monday, July 11, 2011
Alex W-H by Camerino Urbina - El Borrado |
It is not often that I have my picture taken. But after I had photographed that elegant cowboy, Camerino Urbina aka El Borrado I came up with the idea of having him take my picture so that anybody looking at it here would instantly recognize the not too elegant
tenderfoot that I really am. But I have to point out that I am thrilled to brag that this portrait was taken by El Borrado himself. If I happen to look just a tad elegant it could be the immediate presence of one who was.
The photo was taken with a Mamiya RB-67 Pro SD and a 90mm lens. The film was my last roll of Kodak Plus X in 220 (no longer made in either formats) and processed in Kodak HC-110, 1 to 39 for 4 minutes and 45 seconds in a reciprocating revolving tank.
The real cowboys.
Camerino Urbina - El Borrado
220 R.I.P.