My Praise For the Social Media Algorithms
Monday, March 24, 2025
 | Juan Brufal |  | William F. Buckley |
The circles in a cut tree are called growth rings or
annual rings. They are concentric circles that form as a tree grows.
When I look at the thousands of books in spread around my
Kitsilano home, I know I have read all of them even though there are some I don’t
remember reading.
I believe like those growth rings in trees, those books, and
my life experiences are in me and make me the person I am right now.
But I have to add to the above as I believe that those
growth rings in me do not stop.
Few people I know have good things to say about social
media. I differ as I know I am getting an art, literary and musical education
from them. How is that?
My participation in both Facebook and Twitter/X and until
recently in Medium is limited in posting the links to my blogs which includes a
photograph. I rarely comment anywhere and I never post either my political or
religious views.
But (and important but) because I sometimes write in
Spanish and my blogs may have cultural content the Facebook algorithm shows me
art that I have never seen before. It introduces me to composers and writers
(some that I know). I can say that in the last few months I have been exposed
to at least 100 vanGoghs!
With Twitter/X it is almost the same story. I get to read
in Spanish both sides of the political views in Mexico and in my native
Argentina. I get links to quotes and poems by Borges, Cortázar and other Latin
American writers.
I can truthfully assert that my culture is increasing at
my age of 82.
The lovely cat painting here is by a contemporary Argentine
artist Juan Brufal. I was dazzled by this painting as I have two orange cats.
And in Twitter today there was a link to a TV interview
that William F.Buckley had with Jorge Luís Borges. Knowing of its existence I
immediately found it in a better link. I would have never known of the
existence of this wonderful interview had I not seen it in my Twitter/X feed.
While the knowledge content in my brain is almost full it
would seem there is room for more. William F. Buckley interviews Jorge Luís Borges ( don't believe the Hoover Institute will sue me for copyright infringement!)
The Banality of Evil - Lest We Forget
 | ESMA - the Door | The Banality of Evil - ESMA
El Día
Nacional de la Memoria por la Verdad y la Justicia es el día en el que se
conmemora en Argentina a las víctimas de la última dictadura militar,
autodenominada «Proceso de Reorganización Nacional», que usurpó el gobierno del
Estado nacional argentino entre el 24 de marzo de 1976 y el 10 de diciembre de
I have written about the subject of all those disappeared
during the military regime in my Argentina that began on today’s date today in
1976. The present government is attempting to vindicate the actions of that
military government saying that the people they disappeared were terrorists.
That children disappeared and childless generals adopted the babies of women
about to be disappeared is supposed to be forgotten. It is not and today
massive protests were organized.
For me since I was a conscript in the Argentine Navy until
almost the end of 1967 I met young officers who to me were just fine human
beings. How was I to know what they would do 9 years later? I believe that all
of us have inside us the possibility of doing unspeakable acts.
To this day I remember when I saw that door (people that
entered it never left alive) at the Escuela de la Mecánica de la Armada (ESMA),
I felt a chill in my body.
I used to routinely go to deliver documents to that
school of mechanics. It was a beautiful place on a beautiful street.
Never on a Concorde But Daily on a Heated Toilet Seat
Sunday, March 23, 2025
 | 23 March 2025 |
I constantly tell people, “I am a product of the 20th
When I was 8 or younger in Buenos Aires our milk and ice
were brought daily by a man on a horse-drawn cart which in an Argentine
peculiarity had car tires.
1. A man came to our home once a month to clean and clear our
sewage system.
2. In 1951(I was 9) we had the first refrigerator in our block.
My mother had obtained it from a friend from the American Embassy who was
leaving town. It was then than I had my first taste of lime flavoured Jell-O.
3. It was around that time that my mother (in my presence) told
our live-in housekeeper to buy something called “catsup” at the corner store.
4. We did not have a telephone or TV until we moved to Mexico
City in 1953.
I have always admired the writers Paul Theroux and Graham
Greene. Theroux wrote an essay on Greene called “An Edwardian on the Concorde”.
I am certainly not an Edwardian but I have been on just about every airplane
since the DC-3 to the Comet 4-C, the rare Convair 880 and even a Douglas A-4
Skyhawk when I was told to translate into Spanish the operating and maintenance
manual when I was in the Argentine Navy. I have flown in a De Havilland Beaver many times.
What all the above means is that I am happily adopting many
of the improvements to our life from this 21st century. I shoot film
but also digital. I use a scanner and the latest Epson V700 inkjet printer.
I cannot explain exactly why but of late I have been
getting these intense dreams. Because I am 82 I have to get up at least three
times to attempt to do something that is quite difficult. While waiting for
action I think about those dreams before they disappear into some ethos. Last
night’s dream was that I was going to write a blog about one of the most
significant inventions of this century (even the end of the last one perhaps?)
which is the heated toilet seat. It is a fabulous invention.