Friday, August 23, 2024
This 21st century is one where I believe the concept of
taking striking photographs and portraits is all but forgotten. So has the
concept of paying for them.
A week ago I received a request from a woman who wrote “Dear
Alexy’ telling me that her organization was working on a documentary on
architect Arthur Erickson and they wanted to use one of them. It just so
happens that I may have the largest collection of photographs of Erickson.
No mention was made about payment. I want to note here that
if the photographs in question have to be in high resolution (this was in the
request) it costs money to have a negative, print or slide scanned. I happen to
have a very good one.
I answered that I expected to be paid and that I would
donate the funds to the Vancouver SPCA.
I never heard from her again.
Going back to that scanner (I have an excellent flatbed
Epson Perfection V700 Photo) on these languid summer days, while I live in
isolation with my brother and sister cats and not being able to handle the loss
of my wife (she died on December 9, 2020), I like to scan my plants and fidget
with what I call negative sandwiches. These negative sandwiches (two negatives
scanned at the same time) work really well when they are from a same session.
Years ago I had a friend Nina Gouveia (now living in Gaucín,
Spain) who introduced me to her friend, a yet unknown singer) Bif Naked.
Because of I will
place this blog into social media I will make sure not to put Bif’s complete
name on the heading as there is that terrible “Community Standards” that is run
by a stupid algorithm.
I photographed her in my studio, in Nina’s house and at the
then ill-repute Marble Arch Hotel. Before I took the photographs I invited Bif
to the bar. My friend, the owner, Tony Ricci, sat with us and was so struck
with her looks that he never noticed all her tattoos when I mentioned them to
him later.
I have many wonderful pictures of Bif but there is another connection
that I have with her. Both she and my Rosemary had breast cancer and went to
the same doctor. Bif was lucky but my Rosemary was not.
Asymmetry & Slight Anachronisms
Thursday, August 22, 2024
 | Rosa 'Sexy Rexy' & Hosta 'Rainbow's End' 22 August 2024
“Reality is partial to symmetry and slight anachronisms”
Jorge Luís Borges
The Beauty of Asymmetry
For years many of the people whom I have known, who have
either lived in Mexico, or travelled there, have told me how amazing it is to
see in markets how fruits are displayed in perfect symmetry.
I believe that symmetry is an innate way of looking in all
of us. But as soon as we get a bit older, look around, travel, we begin to see
the wonders of asymmetry.
I will never forget (does anybody else remember) how the
Rambler American was a car in which the passenger door was larger than the
driver’s door. It may have been the first asymmetrical car.
Much was written in the last century how some famous female
models were particularly notable because their faces were asymmetrical. Don’t
we all have asymmetrical faces? Is this
why we notice something is wrong when we flip a portrait?
I will never forget (does anybody else remember) how the
Rambler American was a car in which the passenger door was larger than the
driver’s door. It may have been the first asymmetrical car.
In this century thanks to the smart phone, selfies and
portraits with telephones usually show both sides of the face equally lit. It
would seem that the wonder of Rembrandt lighting has been forgotten.
For me the absolute proof that life is not symmetrical is
the placement of our heart in our chest.
Bitter Yellow
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
 | Hosta 'Paradigm' - Right Rosa 'Buttercup' and Rosa 'Bathsheba'
One of the
best dictionaries in the world is the one from the Real Academia Española. My grandfather Don
Tirso de Irureta Goyena was the only member of this lofty organization from the
Philippines. He fought tirelessly to prevent English from taking over Spanish
there. He failed.
grandmother, who really was the one who educated me and brought me up as my
mother was a busy teacher of mathematics, physics and chemistry, taught me well
about this language which is one of the two that I speak and write.
What is
notable of the RAE (the abbreviation for Real Academia Española) dictionary is
that all I have to do with Google is put the word with a comma and then RAE.
That instantly gives me the many variations of the definition. Best of all it
shows the origin of the word.
Today it
was Amarillo (yellow), RAE. This is what I found:
(Del b.
lat. amarĕllus, de amārus, amargo).
It seems then the the color yellow in Spanish is from the
Latin for bitter, amargo in Spanish.
The above is but an excuse to put here today’s plant scan
from my garden.
Platonism & Portraiture
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
 | Elizabeth Futral & Christopher Gaze
 | Evelyn Hart
Without deprecating other professions I feel lucky that
for most of my life I have been a portrait photographer. In my philosophic beliefs
I follow Platonism. I believe that when I have eye contact with my subjects
through my camera (always at eye level) I get a glimpse into their soul. This
soul is unique to every individual. It is perfect in its uniqueness.
I am going to cite three persons I photographed who may not
have given me a look into their soul because they were extremely good actors.
American coloratura soprano Elizabeth Futral was playing
Lucía de Lammermoor. For me she gave me Lammermoor’s insane look.
Christopher Gaze was in the role of Richard III when he
clutched his sword and stared at me.
When I had the luck to watch Evelyn Hart dance In Prokofiev’s
Romeo and Juliet there is a scene where she slowly walks to take the special potion
that will make her look dead. She gets to it and then has doubts. She slowly
goes back on her toes, ever so gently that I almost cried.
It is for this reason that I am glad I never became a