Burning Inspiration
Saturday, September 28, 2024
In Vancouver I find inspiration in Art Bergmann and Joey
Shithead (Keithley) because even though they began their punk rock career around
1978/79 they have not rested on their laurels. I have written about them, link below.. Men for all ages
I additionally believe that a photographer has to be as good
as his last shots. Like a gunfighter I have to be as good as my last gunfight
or I am dead.
For a recent slide night at Gallery881 and then a week later at
Beau Photo I made it important that I would project slides that I had taken a
few days before.
One of my subjects for that was Hannah Parkhouse. I shot E6
Ektachrome processed as such and also cross processed in C0-41. I also shot
Kodak Ektar (negative film) process as Ektachrome.
A few days ago I tried something that I had done only once
before. This was to light a match and burn the edges of the film. For the image
here It is Ektar negative film processed as Ektachrome. Don Juan
I am happy with the results.
I am not happy when I run into people who ask me (without
finishing, “Alex are you still…?”
Yes I am.
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
My Rosemary's 9 beds
A major event in my
life every week happens when I place my sheets and pillow cases into the wash. After
making the bed in the evening (the cats wait for me to finish before they jump
on the bed) I have a thorough bath including washing my hair. The act of
getting into a clean bed, all clean myself, is rewarding.
But that brings is a melancholy as Rosemary and I did that
for 52 years. We made the bed together. On our Stickley bed, the stretching of
the bottom sheet was a tough job.
Making a bed with Rosemary was something most intimate.We would look at each other. It was an intimacy shared that might have brought us into an immediate reality.
With her gone on December 9, 2020, I miss all those
intimacies we shared. Of course there was the sex. But I must add that simply
touching her back when we were in bed after turning off the lights was
intimate, too. Morning breakfasts in bed, with our Vancouver Sun and New York Times, I miss especially now. I have breakfast in bed.
When my Niño and Niña get into bed with me, I cannot stop
thinking that she petted them. My cats are a direct connection with a woman
with whom I shared a life for so many years.
I cannot say I shared stability with Rosemary. She was the
stable one, I was not. On our bed with
her iPhone she was able to plan our travels abroad and she even managed to get
the best airline rates by directly calling the airline companies.
Looking at her plants in my Kitsilano garden I get the
intimate memories of her planting them and telling me why she liked each one of
Looking at a rose in the garden is like looking at her
lovely face.
I am unable to get into my tub without thinking the many
times we bathed together. Alone in my tub I can imagine her already on the bed
waiting for me to get in.
My life now is one of unceasing intimacies remembered.
The Unexpected Beauty of Imperfection
Monday, September 23, 2024
 | Rosa 'Sexy Rexy' 23 September 2024
A week back when I projected some slides at the Gallery881
slide night I was asked for the difference between film and digital
photography. I unexpectedly to the audience I answered with one word, “unpredictable”.
In all the years I shot film I made as many mistakes as were
possible and then some. There is that element of the unforeseen (and sometimes
pleasant) surprise that I like about shooting film.
Showing your subject the result of every shot, with the back
of your camera display, in my opinion, dampens the flow.
When I saw Rosa ‘Sexy Rexy’ today, it most certainly is
not at its perfection. That might have happened four or five days ago.
I am going to bring Rosemary into this blog. When I first
met her sometime around December 15th, 1967 she was perfect. She was
flawless. Her legs were stellar. Her face reminded me of Mary Travers and Eva
Marie Saint.
52 years later Rebecca took our portrait three months before
Rosemary died. She was wearing her wedding dress which I must state is in
perfect shape.  | 31 July 2020
Looking at the portrait of us both connects with me the scan
here of Sexy Rexy. There is a beauty in the imperfection. It is a delicate
Rosemary and I liked to parade around the house with not much
on. We took frequent shared baths in our tub. She would have noticed, as I did,
that our bodies were imperfect.
We had bedroom shenanigans until just a few months before
she died.
I can now assert (I cannot imagine that in the past I would
have known this) that I am not interested in young women in yoga pants, the
parade of gluteus maximus or red carpet cleavage. The only woman who stirs in
mind moments of desire is my dead Rosemary.