Sunday, February 05, 2006

In my life I have met many beautiful women. But Tarren is the only beautiful woman that almost killed me. Some 23 or so years ago I was on board a Tyee Air De Havilland Beaver that was taking me back from shooting stills for a CBC show job up in Egmont. It was a glorious Sunday afternoon and the pilot circled Cold Harbour to land. The water was smooth. There wasn't a breeze to ripple it. He suddenly jerked the plane and for a few seconds I thought he had lost control. Tarren was standing on the end of a dock wearing tiny red hot pants. The pilot had noticed her and had forgotten what he was doing. I remember getting out of the plane and Tarren (she was taking a plane to Victoria) said in that sassy way of hers, "Hiya doin, Alex?"
more Beaver