The Happy Face of Stephen Rogers
Sunday, February 05, 2006

Today Sunday we have the first real day of sun after something like 32 days of rain. There is sun in my winter garden and I can almost see spring coming. That is not always the case as we get late February or March frosts that kill many of my rose canes. Still today is a happy day. What can I post that is happy? Many years ago Stephen Rogers was the energy minister for the SOCREDS. He recently lost (to Liberal Stephen Owen) as a Conservative running in Quilchena. Back then when I photographed Rogers for Harvey Southam's Equity Magazine there was no Photoshop. So I soldered a wire to the light bulb and then painted the connection with several coats of Varathane varnish. I plugged in the contraption and after showing Mr Rogers that I could hold the bulb without getting a shock he happily complied.