Typist - Mario Benedetti
Tuesday, October 09, 2018
Living in Vancouver is living in a first world country. A first world country in which my family in Buenos Aires did not understand why Rosemary and I spent so much money in the last five months on our cat Casi-Casi's life, injecting him twice a day with insulin. My family would have said, "But he is only a cat.”
On the other hand having been born in a third world
country, Argentina, where Spanish is the principal language, means that I can readily find
most of my favourite Argentine literature on line. And, incredibly, many of these
writers were recorded reading their poems or short stories and findeable in YouTube. In many cases
students of Argentine universities made videos to illustrate the readings.
But I will not lambaste our First World Vancouver Public
Library as they had Witness – The Selected Poems of Mario Benedetti. The volume
includes translations by Louise B. Popkin.
The Biblioteca Nacional Mariano Moreno in Buenos Aires
publishes books. I have in my collection a book with the first page manuscripts
(handwritten and with corrections by the authors) of literature of the best of
Argentine authors. I have a book that cites all the books that Jorge Luís
Borges bought from Mitchell’s and Pygmalion which specialized in books in
English and in other languages.
Why is it that our Canadian National Library does not do
this sort of thing? Why don’t we have first page manuscripts of our novelists
and poets? Why don’t we have recordings available of readings by our former Poet
Laureate George Bowering?
It would seem that being able to go to over 100 open
bookstores in Buenos Aires late at night has to be one advantage of living or
visiting a backward country and city.
But I will end this on a positive note for those living in
Vancouver. At one time Buenos Aires had bookstores like our very nice MacLeod’s
Books. But not anymore! The poem Dactilógrafo in Spanish below and below that the scan of the translation into English
Dactilógrafo – Mario Benedetti
de la Oficina (1953-1956)
quince de noviembre
de mil
novecientos cincuenta y cinco
era verde en mi infancia
vrede y con travías
señor nuestro por la presente
yo tuve
un libro del que podía leer
centímetros por noche
después del libro del que podía leer
y yo
quería pensar en cómo sería eso
de no
ser de caer como piedra en un pozo
a usted que en esta fecha
efectuado por su cuenta
era ah sí mi madre se acercaba
prendía la luz y no te asustes
después la apagaba antes que no durmiera
el pago
de trescientos doce pesos
a la
firma Menéndez & Solari
y sólo
veía sombras como caballos
elefantes y monstruos casi hombres
y sin
embargo aquello era mejor
pensarme sin la savia del miedo
como se acostumbra
en un
todo de acuerdo con sus órdenes
de fecha
siete del correinte
eran tan
diferente era verde
verde y con tranvías
y qué
optimismo tener la ventanilla
dueño de la calle que baja
con los números de las puertas cerradas
apostar consigo mismo en términos severos
acusar recibo lo ante posible
terminaba en cuatro o trece o diecisiete
era que
iba a reír o a perder o a morirme
de esta
comunicación a fin de que podamos
hacerme tan sólo una trampa por cuadra
en su cuenta corriente
verde y con travías
y el
Prado con caminos de hojas secas
y el
olor a eucaliptus y a temprano
a usted atentamente
y desde
allí los años y quién sabe.
Dactilógrafo narrated by Mario Benedetti
Jorge Luís Borges Norton Lectures in English (complete) link in this blog