Corte Y Confección - Part II
Friday, August 15, 2014
I read in bed today in
my NY Times while having my strong mug of tea and munching on my cheese bread
toast (that Rosemary burned) that folks who purchased clothes from Land’s End were incensed at having been sent as a gift a copy
of the latest GQ Magazine that features model Emily
Ratajkowski not wearing much but not revealing any of the serious parts.

I find it hard to
reconcile this in the age of easily available (and free) pornography.
My definition of
pornography is something done in bad taste. I have tried taking pornographic
photographs but always a little controlling valve in my brain (good taste
valve?) steps in and my pictures end up not being pornographic (as I see it).
As a much younger
man the offers (in person, by telephone and by writing) of beautiful women who
wanted to pose for me. The usual roundabout procedure was to tell me that they
were not satisfied by their Sooter’s Studio pictures. My files
are voluptuously straining from their metal confines.
But as I get older
the new entries are far and far between. Perhaps it has to do to with my age. In
Spanish I might be perceived as a viejo verde. Or we might be riding a new wave
of puritanical sensibilities.
This is a sorry
state of affairs as I feel that my photographic interpretation of eroticism is
at its best simply because it comes from a mind that is detached from a body
with no warranty.
But I persist in
my self-censorship standards and today’s photographs will offend nobody, except
perhaps some Canadian customers of Land’s End.
In yesterday’s Corte y Confección (a Spanish expression for the art of fashion tailoring) I playfully
worked with some beautiful b+w negatives of my friend Kathryn which I cropped and
eliminated the bits.
In today’s sequel I took pictures from a contact sheet of Kathryn where modern
digital GPS camera technology would tell you that an image (the one on the left)
was taken in a studio on the second floor of the Farmer Building (now gone) on Robson
and Granville. The second picture (which I took of just those lovely legs) would
be revealed to have been taken in UBC’s Endowment Lands.
My camera was a Nikon FM-2 and the film was Kodak TMZ 3200 ISO processed in dilution B of Kodak’s HC-110.
My camera was a Nikon FM-2 and the film was Kodak TMZ 3200 ISO processed in dilution B of Kodak’s HC-110.