A Food Snob Dines At Il Giardino
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Almost two years ago, Bob Mercer the then editor of a magazine, Vancouver Lifestyles, that promised a lot (became much) but in the end was thwarted by poor ad sales gave me couple of contra coupons for Il Giardino. We finally used them yesterday. Rosemary booked us for 6:30 and we took Lauren, Rebecca and Hilary.
The place is successful and in comparison with our quaint and ever favourite Bishop’s it almost seems big even though it has several rooms. The food was good but not exceptional.
What made the difference in the end was our pleasant Portuguese waiter called Amílcar. I asked him if he was named after the father of Hannibal, Amílcar Barca, but he said not. He told me his grandfather had also been Amílcar. We discussed Amílcar Lopes Cabral (1924 –1973) who was a Guinea–Bissaunian agronomic engineer, writer, Marxist and nationalist guerrila. He was also known as Abel Djassi. He was assassinated in 1973. Amílcar had told me, "I only know of two other men with my name, which includes my grandfather and the Portuguese Guinean patriot."
Amílcar was just right and both Lauren and Rebecca warmed up to him. We ate well and I even indulged in one ice cold Tío Pepe. Rebecca had several sips as I explained that it came from Jerez de la Frontera and that it was made from Palomino grapes. When I asked her to pose for my iPhone she didn’t have to fake the fact that she is becoming much of a snob like her grandfather.
Lauren wore a lovely pink dress and her patent leather shoes. All in all it was the kind of evening I will savor for some time.
I am getting the hang of what the iPhone camera can do. I am still quite attracted to the idea that I cannot control any of the camera functions. It only leaves me with choosing the ambient light. I am convinced that if I were to use the modeling light of one of my 2 by 3 ft soft boxes I will get very nice pictures. That will be my next goal.
Tío Pepe
And More Sherry