Happiness - A Working Blog & A New Pair Of Socks
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Happiness is:
A blog that Works and a pair of new sock. Better still happiness is a blog that works and four pair of new socks.
After my call for help, help came from home turf. Vancouverite Roland Schigas (an expert on web design) wrote in with some pointers. But it was Skunkworks and their webmaster guru Chris Botting who migrated my FTP Custom URL blog to a Blogger Custom URL blog. It all happened today without any fuss and everything looks the way it did before.
Last week I went to Mark’s Work Wearhouse to buy by two jeans for the year. In this last year I discovered that stretch jeans my size are far more comfortable than regular jeans my size. I buy a blue pair and a black pair. No matter how careful I am I still kneel (for picture taking or for gardening where I should use the old jeans) and the knees soon look unsightly. While getting my jeans I spotted some very nice socks. They were being sold at two pair for $9.00. I bought four pair. I was not only getting a 10% discount because of a sale but I also had a $10 coupon.
For four days I have put on a nice, clean pair of brand new socks. This is about as cheap as sheer pleasure can be. Buying the socks reminded me of my mother who used to buy shoes when she was depressed. I thought that was a good idea and through the years I have modified that by saying that the quickest way to eliminate depression is to buy a pair of shoes, or some socks. But the quickest cure has always been a nice and thick chocolate shake.
Thanks to Skunkworks and Chris Botting for saving my hide and to Roland Schigas for responding so quickly for my cry for help.