A.K.Dewdney Replies
Monday, March 10, 2008

Last night I received a communication from A.K. Dewdney re my recent blog on a lecture I gave at the 2008 Northern Voice Conference at UBC. A.K. Dewdney writes:
Dear Alex,
You certainly have a point, but consider the plight of our Planiversal friends who find great (?) aesthetic fascination in one-dimensional images like this one:
....---.-..-..-----.- -..- -.- -...- -... .
the Mona Pizza (with apologies to Mr. Morse))
I don't think I have anything to add to your blog, except to say that the continual viewing of images on glowing screens has a debilitating effect on the brain, rendering it by degrees increasingly passive and decreasingly alert. The final stage is a form of benign idiocy.
All the best
Kee (Dewdney)
ps: The Dewdney Trail in BC commemorates Edgar Dewdney, one of the first governors-general of BC, I believe. My grandfather happened to take the same steamer to England with E. Dewdney back in the 20s. They could not find a common ancestor.