A Mate, An Ostrich Egg - Argentine Nostalgia In Vancouver
Saturday, November 17, 2007

Sometimes the excuse for running photographs of a beautiful woman can be a feeble one. Do I need content? Every once in a while when I go through my files and spot Argentine Linda Lorenzo's very thick folder with almost two year's worth of photographs I marvel at how few of them have seen the light of day. Some appeared in a show Juan Manuel Sanchez, Nora Patrich and I had at the long gone gallery, the Simon Patrich Gallery on Granville.

The show was called Nostalgia and the three of us worked on the beautiful and pliable Linda Lorenzo and coverted her into all our sweet añoranzas or longings from our place of birth. We managed to put her into radio programs of our youth. We worked on a series of Argentine birds and we even made Lorenzo up to almost look like Eva Perón. Here are an almost random pick from the first few folders I found.

Some of them like this first one have no connection with any Argentine nostalgia. They are simply photographs of an ucommonly beautiful woman. The photograph of Lorenzo in Nora Patrich's kitchen was our salute to Doña Petrona who published cook books in Argentina in mid 19th century and taught a a generation of mostly Argentine women how to cook.

The other pictures feature Lorenzo dancing the tango with her sister, with one of Nora Patrich's paintings and finally a country girl from the interior of Argentina all fixed up by Nora Patrich. And I must mention here that any excuse to post pictures of Linda Lorenzo can never be a feeble one.

Linda Lorenzo
More Linda Lorenzo
Even More Linda Lorenzo
And Even More Linda Lorenzo