Tarren's Sweet Spot At 50
Friday, April 13, 2007

There is a sweet spot where the bum of a woman suddenly becomes the thigh. I believe that it does not have a name. It should, because it is one of the most beautiful places on the human body.

And the most beautiful example of that most beautiful unnamed spot belongs to my friend Tarren. I have had the privilege to observe it in great detail in the almost 28 years that I have had the good fortune to take her photographs. Now Tarren's unamed spot is particularly beautiful because she happens to have one of the most beautiful bums and legs I have ever seen.

I will post here several photos to prove my point. She somehow posed a few times with furry friends both real and artificial. She even posed with my cat Gaticuchi in my home studio in Burnaby.

I have been prompted to post the photographs because today I am invited to celebrate Tarren's 50th birthday. I have been thinking about her as I sorted through my thick Tarren photo file. Have I been lucky?

Yes, specially as I have seen her mature and become a bit older than those 22 years she had when I first saw her. I will be a bit difficult for me to confirm tonight if her unamed spot is as good as ever. It is my suspicion that it is.
Much More Tarren