Spooning With Rosemary
Thursday, February 22, 2007

No matter how hard I have tried to increase my English vocabulary there are some words that crop up that for me are completely new. It was only a few weeks ago that I read in Elmore Leonard's Tishomingo Blues (there are vivid descriptions of US Civil War re-enactments) that soldiers spooned when the weather was cold. I had never seen this word before and when I looked it up I was surprised.
Spooning has to be one of the most pleasant features of a long term relationship or, in my case, a 39 year marriage. It is particularly delightful when you consider what Rosemary's legs look like.
I can objectively say that the only person in my family whose legs were as fine as Rosemary's were those of my mother. In the good old days of deplaning on a tarmac we would go to meet my mother at the airport and we always could spot her by seeing her legs from this side of the airplane. My eldest daughter Ale (seen here with Rosemary in the Mexico City shopping mall of Satelite) also has beautifully long legs. In fact all my daughters inherited from both sides of the family and when I watch Rebecca at her ballet I wonder if she will one day dance the tango with a slit skirt the way my mother did.