Odd Pattern
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

My photo files are arranged in alphabetical order so there are strange and disparate situations of people sharing space because of it. I have a separate section for writers and dancers. Consider the Cs in writers:
Charyn, Jerome
Christy, Jim
Cohen, Leonard
Coupland, Doug
But sometimes in the middle of the night I think of odder link patterns. There is one here:
1. Jim Bescott, the bass singer for my favourite Canadian band ever, Young Canadians ( Art Bergmann, left, Jim Bescott, centre and Barry Taylor).
2. Jean Lyons piano teacher and owner of Vancouver's oldest music school on 7th and Granville.
3. Britt Hagarty, who did lots of stuff including heroin. Here he posed during his Jean Vincent era in the early 80s in my Simpson Sears leather jacket. At the time he had written a biography on Jean Vincent called The Day the World Turned Blue.
All three were run over. Bescott died in a parking lot, Hagarty on the street and and Jean Lyons (84 and the last to die last year) was run over on Granville.