Carole James & Hilary Stewart
Friday, July 21, 2006

The folks at Skunkworks have done a grand job of designing my web page. Besides being good graphic designers they are also lawyers. Lawyers have (when they have one) an odd sense of humour. So when they were building my web page they placed Carole James and her husband Al Gerow on the same page as Cicciolina.
Now Communications, the agency that hired me to photograph Carole James, the head of the New Democratic Party in British Columbia, might have objected to the pairing even if the principal at Skunkworks, Doug Jasinski, pointed out that both were politicians, both were women and both were lef-wing. I was not convinced so I insisted on a change. And so they posted the picture of my then two-year-old daughter Hilary Stewart (the mother of Rebecca and Lauren who are often seen here). Hilary is now 34.