Roses & the Citroën Deux Chevaux
Wednesday, June 21, 2006

On the second day of our open garden, this Sunday we were visited by Peter Lekkas and his shiny red Citröen Deux Chevaux. I quickly forgot showing Peter (a card carrying member of the Vancouver Rose Society) my red Gallicas and demanded that he take Rebecca and me for a ride in his wonderful 1978 Citroën. This was the first time I had ever been in one. In the early 60s in Buenos Aires, I often ate with my friends at the German restaurant, the Bodensee in Belgrano where besides eating multiple servings of apple pancakes we often drank too much. On our slow meandering walk home we would pick up every Fiat 600 and Citroën 2CV in sight and place it on the sidewalk behind a city tree. With Rebecca in the back seat, being inside the Citroën was much more fun than lifting one.
Part of the pleasure of riding with Belgian Peter Lekkas is that he has an infectuous positive attitude towards life that is always reflected in his easy smile. He proudly told me that his 6 Club 2CV with a 602 CC, 28 horsepower engine goes 50 miles to the gallon. The 6 Club is a luxury version since it comes with a radio.
Until recently I had never connected the man who wears a pith helmet at the VanDusen plant sale ( in the booth with the Red Patio Wonders and other mini roses) with the compassionate veterinarian at the SPCA. A pity that he is treating cats and dogs. We would be less depressed and much better persons if he treated us.