Rebecca, Rosemary & Marilyn
Monday, June 05, 2006

Yesterday we went to watch Rebecca dance at the end of term recital of the Arts Umbrella. Here you see her in her outfit which she had to use for the morning rehearsal. She is wearing boots because it rained for our once-a-year neighbourhood open garden. Many years ago I swore I would never ever wear that American invention, the name tag. The fact is that Rosemary and I started wearing them at hosta conventions. But I feel uncomfortable wearing them. I swear I will never wear white (or any other colour) sports shoes or go on a boat cruise to the Panama Canal. I once swore I would never ever wear a photographer's vest. Three years ago, my oldest daughter, Ale gave me the vest I am wearing here. Ale likes to go to the Salvation Army shops. I was indignant and I quickly stashed it in the darkest corner of my closet. One day I was tempted to wear it and I have love it since.
I This picture was taken by a young Mr. Lee who lives in the neighbourhood and had to photograph all the garden hosts.
Marilyn? Hosta 'Marilyn' is a gold (yellow) hosta and you can see part of it on the right of Rosemary's left hand.