Miss Havisham & Isabel
Tuesday, May 09, 2006

When I was 6 I fell madly in love with a remote Filipina girl in Buenos Aires called Isabel Opisso whom I met in an excursion to the outskirts of Buenos Aires in Anchorena. I never saw her again. A couple of years later our teacher read us Great Expectations in class during a month. I fell madly in love with cold and unreachable Estella.
In Dickens's Great Expectations Estella is Miss Havisham's ward. Miss Havisham wears only one shoe, because when she learned that Compeyson had jilted her, she had not yet put on the other shoe. When I took this photograph of a friend, an Argentine tango partner, a few years ago I immediately saw Miss Havisham. I wonder where Isabel Opisso might be and if she ever married.
the great expectations of Judy Brown