Robin Hood Of Nottingham
Saturday, April 08, 2006

For as long as I can remember I have had Robin Hood and His Life in the Merry Greenwood by Rose Yeatman Woolf and illustrated by Howard Davie. There is an edititing credit to a mysterious Capt. Vrendenburg. There is no publishing date but there is a blue stamp on the opening page that says Mitchell's Book Store - Buenos Aires. I don't know if my father or my mother bought it. But I remember that when I was 7 or 8, my father read me the story. I was touched when Robin says, "It is my last shot,"he sighed. "Lay me where the arrow fell and put my bow beside me." In this version he is with Little John in the end. But I have a particular fondness for the Robin and Marian movie version with Sean Connery and Audrey Hepburn. In it Marian poisons Robin and then herself. But Robin still manages to unleash his last arrow. When I visited Nottingham I was fascinated by all thing Robin including this marvellous statue. Now that Rebecca and I have watched both the Errol Flynn and the Sean Connery, Robin Hood, I will read her the book.