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Rosa 'Brother Cadfael' 25 August 2022 |
The date on this rose scan is correct. But because I am filling gaps in July when I did not write blogs I am putting this back to July 1. I have one more to fill for May 30 2022.
a thermodynamic quantity representing the unavailability of a system's thermal energy for conversion into mechanical work, often interpreted as the degree of disorder or randomness in the system.
"the second law of thermodynamics says that entropy always increases with time"
lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder.
"a marketplace where entropy reigns supreme"
As a little boy I knew that much sooner than later someone would step on my brand new shoes and their newness would disappear. The new-car smell fades much before that first dent.
Our bodies are ample proof that the entropy of thermodynamics affects them and soon they will become cold at death.
Even the nice concept of buying an antique becomes inconsequential when at my soon 80th birthday they look like a problem for my daughters to deal with when I am gone.
Sometimes little things like this very large laundry pin put me into a melancholic mood. I used it for 30 years. It contained all my important keys and I fastened it to my belt loop when I left the house. It was very difficult to lose them.
It snapped a couple of weeks ago. I replaced it with a small carabiner. I feel very sad about throwing it away. I will have to.
The rose here is a more positive indication that entropy can affect a rose flower with beauty before it fades completely.