Intimacy Like Riffling Through a Woman's Underwear Drawer
Saturday, February 24, 2024
 | With Niño & Niña - How is it possible I don't remember taking this photograph?
Blog 6025
There is a strong possibility that this blog will be a
surprisingly positive and pleasant blog about my Rosemary and it will bypass
any melancholic moments I might have had today that were exacerbated by today’s
grim weather.
I am firmly a person who is a product of the last century. I rarely find anything in this one that can compare in positive quality.
But I did today.
I will begin by citing the origin of the word intimidad
(intimacy in Spanish) which is from the Latin intimus which means something
that is at the bottom of something, situated in its most inside. Dictionary of
the Real Academia Española.
Rosemary and I were married for 52 years, and before that, we
knew each other for two months. In those 52 years we constantly surprised
each other by stuff that we did not know about each other. It took Rosemary 51
years to tell me she did not like my “famous”
cucumber sandwiches. It wasn’t until we spent a whole day at the Metropolitan
Museum in NY that I finally knew that she had a tremendous interest in art.
Because Rosemary was internal in her thoughts, it took me by surprise.
Now let’s go to that 21st century wonder that
I discovered today. In my Messenger lists I found 1. Rosemary, 2. Rosemary and
Ale, 3. Rosemary and Ale, 4. Rosemary and Rebecca,5. Rosemary and Hilary.
Her conversations are much too intimate for me to place here
but the photographs! Many times when we travelled she would hand me her
phone and ask me to take her picture. Or there are pictures taken by Alexandra
of Rosemary when she visited her in Lillooet. There a few selfies and many
pictures that Rosemary downloaded from my blog.
In short many of the photographs I have never seen but important,
too is her choice of my photographs from my blogs that she sent to our
daughters and granddaughters. They represent a facet of Rosemary I had no idea
about. The act of choosing a photograph is in itself an intimate choice.
Thinking about all this today with my two cats on top of me
on the bed I had the idea that in some way looking at these photographs is
similar to riffling the drawers of a
wife’s underwear.
Rosemary kept notes and a diary when she was in Mexico.
Important is the loss to me that she never did write about how we met. I will
never be able to ask her, “How did I pick you up that day I saw you leave that
school we both worked for? I saw you from the back and I was dazzled by your
lovely legs and your miniskirt. What did I say to you?”
I will never know.  | At La Bodega
 | Stool given to Rosemary by Ale
 | Niño |
 | Buenos Aires
 | I have many scarves but this soft cashmere one that Rosemary gave me when we moved to Kits if my fave.
 | Niño |
 | Her most favourite Camellia 'Donation
 | Í had never seen this photo which I must have taken with her iPhone
 | One of our last trips to visit Hilary (and Lauren) in Burnaby before Rosemary died
 | Hilary and Rebecca when they had just moved to Burnaby
 | Most of these photographs were taken by Rebecca on July 3 2020
 | Alexandra snapped Rosemary in Lillooet
 | Hilary as a little girl
 | Hilary at the Stanley Park fire engine
 | Two photographs taken by Alexandra at a Squamish restaurant
 | Florence |
 | Venice |
 | Italy |
 | Venice |
 | The Cineplex has no benches to sit on. Rosemary took the photograph
 | The Congreso - Buenos Aires
 | The Buenos Aires Subte
 | A selfie in the Buenos Aires Subte (subway). Rosemary notice the Jorgito behind me. Jorge is my first name
Rosemary's Lenten Roses
Thursday, February 22, 2024
 | Helleborus 'Wedding Crasher' - 22 February 2024
| Rosemary's Hellebores - A Remembrance of HerThe Corsican Hellebore & St. Helena
Today was a fairly sunny day so Niño and I went for a walk
around the block. Even with the weather being pleasant both my cats do not want
to stay outside and they opt for getting on top of me when I am on the bed
drinking a mug of tea and knowing I have to do nothing. And philosophically
that is unsettling.
I had noticed that Helleborus ‘Wedding Crasher’ was in
bloom. Rosemary adored her hellebores because they bloomed early in our garden.
What this also means is that I can no longer postpone the cleaning up of the
garden. This was fun activity when Rosemary and I shared it. Now I avoid it but
I must begin to at least partially prune some of my roses before I do that in
March. I will be slightly cheered up as when I prune them the Nick Lowe song
Cruel to be Kind meanders in the soundscape of my brain.
I wonder if any of my over 3000 plant scans (I started in
2001) will ever make it as part of my legacy that anybody might appreciate.
Originally my scans had the purpose of documenting with
accuracy a plant on a given day scanned at 100% size and being watchful that
the colour was accurate. When people visit me and they point how they like one
of these images (big on the wall) they rapidly lose interest when I tell them
that it is not a photograph but a scanograph and that I am a scanographer.
What keeps me sane and mostly cheerful is that I keep in my
head what Garry Winogrand once said, “I photograph things to see what those
things look like photographed.”
My scans of my plants brings me close to them with an
intimacy that makes me feel that Rosemary is near. She was the person who
noticed the details of plants as she comfortably sat on the garden lawn or our
Kits deck without and visible discomfort. She was most flexible.
And so this scan of the hellebore I dedicate to my Rosemary
and I promise her that I will start the cleanup perhaps even tomorrow if the
nice weather persists. The Corsican Hellebore was Rosemary's fave. I no longer have one. I will try to find one this Saturday at Phoenix Perennials in Richmond.  | Corsican Hellebore - 2007
A Taste of Things Followed by a Fabulous Pizza
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Monday Hilary and I went to the Fifth Avenue Cinema to see The Taste of Things directed
by Tran Anh Hung and with Juliette Binoche and with her former paramour Benoit
Magimel. The icing on this delicious cake of a film is young actress Bonnie
Chagneau-Ravoire. In the film she is given a spoon to taste and she is able to identify all the ingredients and spices with an incredibly lovely but serious face.
The first
30 minutes puts you into a kitchen where you rarely see faces but hands and
lots of cooking. I suspect that vegans could not possibly watch this film as
there is a lot of disembowelling of animals.
Because I
worked for many years as stills man at the CBC I know excellent camera work
when I see it. This film is stellar. In the closing scenes the camera rotates
360 degrees 3 times without wavering up or down and surprising images show up
that I will not reveal here.
My daughter
Hilary inherited from my Rosemary,and perhaps even from me, her father, a good
quantity of snobbishness. I enjoy almost
weekly our companionship where we see good films in real film theatres.
After our
film we like to go to a pizza joint on the corner of Howe and Davie where the
staff is Filipino and Latin American. This combination of a fine film and pizza
has become a comfortable tradition. I drive Hilary to her home in Burnaby and I
drive back knowing my Niño and Niña will be waiting for me. Firecrust Neapolitan Pizzeria - 808 Davie corner with Howe.
She Taught Me Manners
Monday, February 19, 2024
 | Jean Stilwell - March 2004
Jean Stilwell - Mezzo- Soprano Authenticity Be Damned
Mezzo-soprano Jean Stilwell has been in my thoughts for
It all began when I remember my session with her in my
Granville and Robson studio. Because I could not remember her name I could not
find he in my alphabetical order files. This happens with age and I am 81.
Googling did not help.
But there was this that happened and I did remember. At the
time Stilwell came to my studio she was 49. After I took her photographs she
asked me to photograph her bare chest. I was shocked and asked her why. She
told me that she had a good friend in Vancouver, an actress called Babz Chula
who had breast cancer. She wanted to have the picture taken in solidarity. So I
took the picture but began with a Polaroid.
Then I made a rude mistake (now with age I would know
better). I told her that I had problems shooting her chest as her breasts were
droopy. She did not quite get angry but put me in my place in that her breasts
were what all breast do at her age.
I then told her (sort of making up for my rudeness) that I
would take the Polaroid and find a nice Seagull pewter frame (then made in
Pugwash, Nova Scotia). There was a Seagull store on Robson. That evening
Stilwell smiled when I presented her with the framed Polaroid.
I put Babz Chula into my internal Blogger search engine and
found the two blogs I wrote about Stilwell and how that date of March 20-27
2004 in the Vancouver Sun marked my first manipulated photograph!