Animals in Bed With Apples
Saturday, August 19, 2023
 | 19 August 2023
 | Béatrice Larrivée, left & Noa Lee Ashkenazi right
Béatrice Larrivée I Béatrice Larrivée II Béatrice Larrivée III Béatrice Larrivée IV Béatrice Larrivée V Béatrice Larrivée VI Béatrice Larrivée VII
Tonight I went to the Arts Umbrella Dance Company’s theatre
on Granville Island to see a performance with Béatrice Larrivée & Noa Lee Ashkenazi
with original music by Morgan Bobrow-Williams, costume design by Gon Biran and
the lighting was by Andie Llyod.
Reading about Gaga, the dance method pioneered by the
Bathsheba Dance Company in Tel Aviv, does not prepare you at all for what I saw
for close to an hour. The two dancers were sweating by then. I felt wonderfully
This is the sort of dance, which to me is a notch above
what we would call modern dance. Both dancers, in the proximity of the small
theatre, showed lots of emotion and pathos. It was like dance within a play within a
dance. I will not try to explain why there were baskets of apples everywhere
and why the dancers would munch on them. We the audience did at the end, too.
I felt privileged to be there and to be given the seat in
the middle of firstrow at the bottom of the theatre (dancers have to be photographed from the floor to
make them look taller).
I took 441 snaps and very happy that my Fuji X-E3 has a
completely silent electronic shutter so I did not intrude.
I am quite tired but I felt I had to fix a few, 16 in all, in
which I used my method of switching to very slow shutter speeds. I call
them swirls and to make them standout I use my 19-year-old Photoshop 8.
I will be back tomorrow with my granddaughter Lauren. I will
be able to anticipate many of the moves I may want to shoot again. But then the
ones I am putting here are not bad at all.
Why, with what is left of our Vancouver media, they do not understand that
they prevented so many in our city, so poor in culture (not quite, seeing what I
saw today!) miss by not giving a radio, TV or newspaper preview? Why was nobody
from the media there tonight? Why is our CBC keep telling us about bridge
Dave Chesney & Harry Connick Jr's Lush Life
Thursday, August 17, 2023
 | Harry Connick Jr. 23 October 1990
Guest Blog : Dave Chesney- Editor White Rock Sun
Wednesday August 16, 2023
My phone rang last night and I was happy to
see Alex’s name pop up on the
screen. He informed me he felt compelled to
call me to relate what a big hit the D.O.A. shirt I gave him was at the fifth
Annual Memorial Get Together for randy Rampage Mountain View Cemetery.
I was a huge fan of Alex long before I
ever met him. I have a number of his
photos adorning my humble abode’s walls.
Dennis Hopper, Leonard Cohen, my wedding photos Alex took so gracefully
offered to take. "Really," you say. Nobody gets Alex to take wedding photos. I did.
 | Dave got married to Laurie
The other cherished Alex photo I have is of
Harry Connick JR. I had the pleasure of
working with Harry a number of times during my tenure as the Westcoast Under
Assistant Promo Man for CBS Records.
The Sony Corporation bought CBS Records
worldwide in 1987. Shortly after the
acquisition I received a call in my Vancouver office from a representative from Sony Japan who was on tour with Harry Connick Jr. The SONY rep had a large number of press in
tow to travel and tour with Harry Connick JR. in order to facilitate numerous
reviews and interview sessions for large Japanese media outlets. The lady from Japan introduced herself on the
phone and explained they had lost their photographer who had to fly back to
Japan and could I possibly recommend a local photographer. I informed her I had just the right person
for her. His name is Alex Waterhouse -Hayward. I quickly ran through Alex’s CV
from memory and she seemed very pleased. The entourage would arrive in Vancouver in three days. I was asked if it would it be possible for her to meet Alex and me prior to the press day, at the downtown hotel where they were all
staying. I checked with Alex and it was
agreed we would meet the night before.
I arrived at the hotel slightly before Alex
to afford myself time for a personal introduction. Everything was going fin until I turned and
saw Alex coming through the hotel front doors.
I said “Oh here is Alex now.” Dead silence.
The lady from Japan said “Oh Dave
this is a problem. Alex is not
Japanese. I have to have a Japanese photographer.” I thought, gee didn’t the name give you some indication
Alex was not Japanese?
In order to appease Alex and me, the Japan
lady agreed to pay Alex in full for nothing.
And she asked me what she could do for me? I explained to her I would like to speak to
Harry and carve out some time before the press day started. I explained Alex was doing a series called
hotel suite where he photographed artists in hotel suites. She was more than happy.
I spoke with Harry the next morning when he
started his day. I explained to him what
I would like him to do and he said “No
problem Dave, whatever you want.” By
this time Alex had arrived at the hotel with all his equipment, cameras, flash
lights umbrellas and whatever else he felt he might need.
As Alex set up in a spare hotel room I went
to find Harry. He had a big of stubble
and was dressed very casual in a v-neck cashmere sweater, his hair was slightly
tussled. We talked as we walked to where
Alex was set up. Harry sat down and began to marvel at the
elaborate lighting system Alex had set up.
Small chit chat incurred between Harry and Alex, Harry understandably
was somewhat reserved not really sure of
what was going on. As Alex and Harry
were making small talk while Alex adjusted the lighting, Alex said to Harry, "Would you ever record my favourite jazz standard, Billy Strayhorn's Lush Life?" Connick answered, "That's a woman's song. I don't think I'll tackle it." I was
blown away how instantly Harry relaxed and smiled and began to talk to Alex on
a completely different level than before.
He was in the presence of someone who knew and cared. At that very moment Alex started snapping
photos. The entire session may have
taken 10 minutes.
EDITORS NOTE. Back in those days there were
a number of popular photo magazines on
the newstands. The main one if I
remember correctly was simply called American Photo. Alex submitted the Harry Jr. photo and if my
memory serves me correct it was voted as one of the top photos of the year.
I am proud to say I went from being a fan to being a friend of Alex Waterhouse-Hayward.
Mis Gatos Literarios
Wednesday, August 16, 2023
 | 16 August 2023
Two events yesterday cheered me up a tad and removed me for
a while from my grief for the loss of my Rosemary. One was that I went to get a haircut with
my around-the-corner Albanian barber Miri. I always feel better after one.
Second I received an email from London Drugs that my Julio
Cortázar/Niño T shirt was ready. I immediately went to get it at the Broadway
and Cambie location.
The shirt is not perfect. It is not dark enough and it is on
the pink side. But it will do. For what?
In October the Fondo de Cultura Económica (founded in 1938
with the idea of publishing cheap books to promote people to read) has invited
me to participate in the week-long Feria del Libro at the Mexico City Zócalo
and at their bookstore, Rosario Castellanos. They want me to show my author
photographs and to charlar (chat) about them.
I am rounding up my very good collection of T shirts with a
Mexican theme but this one with Niña is bound to impress.
But I am not finished!
Bearing Witness
Monday, August 14, 2023
 | Mountain View Cemetery 14 August 2023
| My Rosemary insisted that she, our two daughters and I
would leave Mexico City and drive our VW to Vancouver. This we did.
Since then and now 14 August 2023, I have become aware
(specifically today at the Mountain View Cemetery memorial that was the 5th anniversary of
musician Randy Rampage’s death) that somehow I am always there to bear witness.  | Rampage 2015 on his birthday
There are connections that at first don’t seem to be there.
I wore a D.O.A. T shirt to the memorial service that had this story behind it. I
was at the Four Season’s Hotel to photograph film director Martin Scorsese. At
the front desk I was asked if I was Alex. When I answered affirmatively I was told
that a man called Dave Chesney (then a powerful record rep for CBS Records) had
left me the T.
In this fifth anniversary I have traditionally taken the
group shot. Time affects these group shots as people die.The recurring problem is trying to find the setting in my Fuji X-E3 camera for the self-timer. I want to not only bear withness to an even but I want to be in it. I am on the right on the ground wearing that D.O.A. T.
While there I run into all kinds of people that in some way
were part of the fabulously active punk scene that Vancouver had in the late
70s to the 80s.
The memorial happening is hosted and planned (lots of drinks
and food and a tent for protection from the sun) by Susanne Tabata who was
Rampage’s partner for many years. It was in parties in their house that we
found out that Rampage was a good cook.
Who would connect Tabata to Long John Tanner who was there today? I would as Tanner hosted the Cable 10 program
Night Dreems that was really a precursor of later programs that featured rock
music videos. Susanne Tabata and Deborah Jarvi were also hosts. Amazingly my Night Dreems blog is labelled sensitive by Blogger. They don't seem to like the word Dreems!
Who would connect Tabata to that of the eminent
Vancouver writer Ben Metcalf with whom I
worked with while both of us contributed to Vancouver Magazine? Metcalf had a
Japanese garden and when he found out about Tabata he suggested I photograph
her with little clothes in it. Tabata, to my disappointment, declined.
As for Tabata dressed in armour, I borrowed it from Marlene
Cohen’s (Army and Navy Store) husband who collected swords and had the Canada
wide franchise for Levis and Sony. The photograph was for promoting some rock
activity in Gary Taylor’s Rock Room.
As for Rampage, the man that I knew, it was not hard to
notice his kindness behind his rough looking demeanour. In those five memorial
services I have come to genuinely like all those (not rough to me anymore) dock
workers he worked with for years.
How many reading this can boast that they rode in Rampage’s
convertible Cadillac? My writer friend John Lekich did and he wrote about the
experience in link below.. Mr. Rampage, Mr. Pinhead & a backseat bomshell - John Lekich
Lastly I have to explain that my favourite rock photograph
ever started with me telling Rampage that I wanted to photograph him on a sofa
with silver satin in the style of Jean Harlow. He looked at me incredulously
but when I told him that he had nothing to worry he consented.
I sometimes believe that Vancouver is a lovely city that
lacks passion. I can assert that watching Rampage jump to incredible heights
while playing the bass was ample proof that passion did exist here.
For reasons that I cannot explain I cannot find any of the
photographs that I took of Rampage’s band with Brad Kent called Ground Zero.
Kent, who is also gone, was a man that was quiet and had that same degree of
sweetness that Rampage had.  | Randy Rampage wearing my mother's Mexican Red Shawl - December 2015
At every one of these memorials I am greeted by a sweet
young woman with a lovely smile. Her name is Jade and she surely inherited all
that sweetness from her father Brad. In the group photograph she is right behind me in her D.O.A. T.
It seems that I am always there.