Heather Pawsey - Soprano
When Alex contacted me about his mother's red shawl
project, I had no hesitancy in saying yes.
I'd admired his work for years in the Georgia Straight and other
publications; it would be an honour to have him take my photograph. But the rebozo gave me pause: I knew little about the history and use of
this classic Mexican garment, and was unsure as how it would relate to my life,
or what I could say about it.
It did set me thinking, however, about shawls -- or, to
be more precise, one shawl in particular:
a soft, luxurious, red shawl that my friend Mara Gottler had lent to me
when I went to study in Austria. I had
never worn a shawl before, and didn't quite know what to do with it.
I found out.
Shawls are remarkable.
They are beautiful, functional, and multi-purpose. I wore Mara's as it was intended -- for
warmth on chilly nights. It could be
dressed up (over a concert gown), or down (with jeans.) I was so impressed with its versatility that
when I returned home and reluctantly returned it to her, I bought one for
myself, taking it with me when I moved to Munich.
That red shawl morphed into a sarong, a head-covering, a
towel. I used it as a blanket on chilly
trains, and as a pillow. On more than
one occasion it was pinned across curtain-less / blind-less windows, and it
often came in handy as a make-shift grocery bag when I found myself without
(Europe at that time being far ahead of Canada when it came to customers being
expected to provide their own bags.)
I marvelled at the flexibility of this simple, unassuming
piece of cloth – the deceptiveness of its appearance, its seemingly singular
use. It reminded me to look at
everything -- people, jobs, opportunities, objects -- with multi-lensed eyes,
assuming nothing, and to marvel at myriads of possibility.
The Celtic pin I'm wearing in this photo? The day I went to meet Alex, the Scottish
referendum on independence was taking place, its outcome as yet unknown
(defeated, 55% to 45%. Scotch
individuality lives on a-politically.).
I'm of Scottish descent, and wore the pin – a gift from a deeply
treasured friend – as a sign of honour and respect. After the shoot, Alex treated me to tea and
scones, and one of the topics of our wide-ranging conversation was homogeneity
and its increasing trend in a world we should be celebrating as luxuriantly
It made me think about rebozos - shawls - and how poor it
would be if they were to be confined to one definition, one purpose only.
Long live the rebozo.
Randy Rampage - Bassist
Nora Patrich - Pintora
Keely Jade Daikin - Photojournalist & Treeplanter
Nicole Langdon Davies - Photographer
Juliana Soltis - Cellist - Nomad
Kyla Gardiner - Theatrical Lighting Director
Curtis Daily - Contrabassist
Bob Mercer – Editor – Musician - Friend
Art Bergmann Singer-Songwriter- Guitarist
Homero Aridjis Poeta
Zippy Pinhead Musician
Caitlin Legault Art Model
Holly McRea Model - Poet - Creation Conduit.
Lisa Ha Model - Volunteer - Friend
Carmen Alatorre Diseñadora de vestuario
Roberto Baschetti Sociólogo, Investigador Histórico - Amigo
Jennifer Froese Youth Worker
Rachel Cairns Actor
Jennifer Landels Espadachina
Judith Currelly Pilot- Artist
Jim Erickson Set Decorator
Alexandra Hill Soprano
Georgina Elizabeth Isles Figure Model
Emma Middleton Actor
Mark Pryor Author/Lawyer/Assistant DA Travis County TX
Brother Edwin Charles Reggio, CSC Mentor & Teacher
Veronica Vex Burlesque Dancer
George McWhirter Poet
Raúl Guerrero Montemayor Padre-Compadre
Alexandra Waterhouse-Hayward Maestra
Shirley Gnome Singer/Provocateur
Yeva & Thoenn Glover Dancers/Choreographers
JJ Lee Writer
Jacqueline Model
Cathy Marsden Psychiatrist
André De Mondo Wanderer
Colin MacDonald Saxophonist/Composer
Nina Gouveia Yoga Instructor
Stacey Hutton Excercise Physiologist
Colleen Wheeler Actor
Sarah Rodgers Actor, Director,Mother
Tim Turner - Real Estate Agent
Kiera Hill Dancer
Johnna Wright & Sascha Director/Mother - Son/Dreamer
Decker & Nick Hunt Cat & 19th century amateur
George Bowering Poet
Celia Duthie Gallerist
Linda Lorenzo Mother
Katheryn Petersen Accordionist
Stefanie Denz Artist
Ivette Hernández Actress
Byron Chief-Moon Actor/Dancer
Colin Horricks Doctor
Ian Mulgrew Vancouver Sun Columnist
Jocelyn Morlock Composer
Corinne McConchie Librarian
Rachel Ditor Dramaturg
Patrick Reid Statesman, Flag Designer
Michael Varga CBC Cameraman
Bronwen Marsden Playwright/Actress/Director
David Baines Vancouver Sun Columnist
Alex Waterhouse-Hayward Photographer
Lauren Elizabeth Stewart Student
Sandrine Cassini Dancer/Choreographer
Meredith Kalaman Dancer/Choreographer
Juliya Kate Dominatrix
Randy Rampage - Bassist
Nora Patrich - Pintora
Keely Jade Daikin - Photojournalist & Treeplanter
Nicole Langdon Davies - Photographer
Juliana Soltis - Cellist - Nomad
Kyla Gardiner - Theatrical Lighting Director
Curtis Daily - Contrabassist
Bob Mercer – Editor – Musician - Friend
Jorge JoséO'Reilly - Primo/Sobrino - Amigo - Campeón de Rugby
Art Bergmann Singer-Songwriter- Guitarist
Homero Aridjis Poeta
Zippy Pinhead Musician
Caitlin Legault Art Model
Holly McRea Model - Poet - Creation Conduit.
Lisa Ha Model - Volunteer - Friend
Carmen Alatorre Diseñadora de vestuario
Roberto Baschetti Sociólogo, Investigador Histórico - Amigo
Jennifer Froese Youth Worker
Rachel Cairns Actor
Jennifer Landels Espadachina
Judith Currelly Pilot- Artist
Jim Erickson Set Decorator
Alexandra Hill Soprano
Georgina Elizabeth Isles Figure Model
Emma Middleton Actor
Mark Pryor Author/Lawyer/Assistant DA Travis County TX
Brother Edwin Charles Reggio, CSC Mentor & Teacher
Veronica Vex Burlesque Dancer
George McWhirter Poet
Raúl Guerrero Montemayor Padre-Compadre
Alexandra Waterhouse-Hayward Maestra
Shirley Gnome Singer/Provocateur
Yeva & Thoenn Glover Dancers/Choreographers
JJ Lee Writer
Jacqueline Model
Cathy Marsden Psychiatrist
André De Mondo Wanderer
Colin MacDonald Saxophonist/Composer
Nina Gouveia Yoga Instructor
Stacey Hutton Excercise Physiologist
Colleen Wheeler Actor
Sarah Rodgers Actor, Director,Mother
Tim Turner - Real Estate Agent
Kiera Hill Dancer
Johnna Wright & Sascha Director/Mother - Son/Dreamer
Decker & Nick Hunt Cat & 19th century amateur
George Bowering Poet
Celia Duthie Gallerist
Linda Lorenzo Mother
Katheryn Petersen Accordionist
Stefanie Denz Artist
Ivette Hernández Actress
Byron Chief-Moon Actor/Dancer
Colin Horricks Doctor
Ian Mulgrew Vancouver Sun Columnist
Jocelyn Morlock Composer
Corinne McConchie Librarian
Rachel Ditor Dramaturg
Patrick Reid Statesman, Flag Designer
Michael Varga CBC Cameraman
Bronwen Marsden Playwright/Actress/Director
David Baines Vancouver Sun Columnist
Alex Waterhouse-Hayward Photographer
Lauren Elizabeth Stewart Student
Sandrine Cassini Dancer/Choreographer
Meredith Kalaman Dancer/Choreographer
Juliya Kate Dominatrix