
Sunday, May 26, 2024

A Lady Red - Emily Dickinson

Top left - Rosa 'Thomas Becket', Rosa 'Darcey Bussell'- below left Rosa 'La Belle Sultane' & Rosa 'James Mason'


 A Lady red –amid the hill – Emily Dickinson

 A Lady red—amid the Hill

Her annual secret keeps!

A Lady white, within the Field

In placid Lily sleeps!


The tidy Breezes, with their Brooms—

Sweep vale—and hill—and tree!

Prithee, My pretty Housewives!

Who may expected be?


The Neighbors do not yet suspect!

The Woods exchange a smile!

Orchard, and Buttercup, and Bird—

In such a little while!


And yet, how still the Landscape stands!

How nonchalant the Hedge!

As if the “Resurrection”

Were nothing very strange!


Variant scan

 I have quite a few more red roses, but these are the ones that fit on my scanner bed today. I find it pleasant to place them on the glass even though they are wet with today’s rain. Rosa 'Thomas Becket' and English Rose is new in my garden.

Often here I quote Borges on red roses. Here is a link. El Curioso color del colorado

This time around Emily Dickinson’s poem will do me just fine. Because I look for poems that go with my photographs and scans I have come to appreciate her poems and the poems of Julio Cortázar, Jorge Luís Borges, Alejandra Pizarnik, Alfonsina Storni, Mario Benedetti, Eduardo Galeano, Shakespeare and many more. I am getting literate with age.

Two of the roses in this scan could be Dickinson’s Lady in red. English Rose, Darcey Bussell is named after a famous British ballerina that is still with us. La Belle Sultane, an ancient Gallica Rose, person the rose was named at is no longer with us. The story is interesting here. Here is the link La Belle Sultane

And here a link to a blog about a red rose as written by W. H. Auden 

Rosemary approved red roses. She did not like Hybrid Tea Roses with long stems and little fragrance. She only accepted single tea roses like Rosa 'Mrs. Oakley Fisher' which perhaps was her favourite as it was connected to a portrait I took of our eldest granddaughter Rebecca.  

Rebecca & Rosa 'Mrs. Oakley Fisher'