
Monday, January 27, 2014

The Other Side Of Two Dimensions - Nerd Nite


In my first attendance to a UBC blogging conference called Northern Voice in 2007 I was invited to give a talk. What I may have talked about is irrelevant but you can read about it here.

What astounded me about the conference is that people chatted but in many cases they preferred to quietly sit with their laptops and opt out from physical and very social interaction. I had brought a finely printed and very large framed light jet colour print. I was asked why I had bothered since the very image was projected by a digital machine on to a large screen behind me.

From that day on I have been lightly obsessed with the idea that many of us (I am a culprit in this, too) are losing out on that third dimension (depth) while spending lots our living moments on Einstein’s fourth.

It was around 2007 that I made up a basic PowerPoint presentation called The Other Side of Two Dimensions. I have been modifying it ever since.

I will present this as one of three participants on February 19 in something called Nerd Nite

Besides my under-30-minute digital show, I plan to bring enough tactile material to get my point across.

Perhaps one of the nerds in attendance will answer a question I have asked often but to which I have never received a satisfactory answer, “How thick are the photons on a monitor screen?”

Enclosed here are two scans of two rather nice 8x10 prints which are a delight to hold, lightly flip, move up and down and see how window lighting affects them.