
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Post 2983

As I quickly approach my 3000th blog I feel a tad melancholy. That burst of excitement of January 2006 when I had no idea what a blog was or in what direction I was headed has perhaps worn off. Usually I have many topics that I feel like writing about on any given day. In many ways I may have inherited from my journalist father, who for years worked for the Buenos Aires Herald. I think I could easily either write a daily column and surely a weekly. Unlike my father I need not prime my inspiration with modified ethanol.

But there are highs and lows, days of enthusiasm and days when I feel guilty about missing my day on the blog.

I wrote here about my mentor Brother Edwin Reggio, C.S.C.’s take on free will. 

In the last few months (perhaps a year) I have given his idea of someone, up on a mountain (Brother Edwin’s God) looking down on the sharp curve and the rock that will cause (perhaps not) a head on collision.

It has been in my thoughts as I learn to use the panorama mode of my Fuji X-E1 that gives me the choice to pan from left to right and from right to left. I am not yet well versed on the up to down and down to up feature.

In our Western world we read from left to right and our books are designed in that way. Pages are laid out left to right, also.

The panning has made me reflect that being up on that mountain, if we were to be in our youth we would be looking towards the right. The journey in that direction would have been certainly a longer one. My age (I am 71) and my accelerating heart jointly convey the idea that the rock on the pavement is forthcoming. I see myself panning from right to left and lingering affectionately on the left side.