
Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Laundry Day


Lago de Guadalupe, Estado de México - 1971

Mondays are laundry days in my Kits home. In years back Rosemary would wash lots of stuff at least three times a week. I manage now twice.

Monday is important because I wash my sheets and pillowcases. There is a distinct pleasure in taking a bath in the evening, sprinkling myself with some lavender talcum powder and slipping myself between fresh, clean sheets.

The photograph here I took around 1971 not far from our Arboledas, Estado de México little brick house. We lived there with my mother and two daughters Alexandra and Hilary.

Rosemary and I taught English at American companies like Colgate and General Motors. The pay was pretty good but we had to navigate the terrible freeway called El Periférico. No matter how carefully I drove we would experience at least one fender-bender with our VW Bocho or Bochito (bug).

My mother had helped us buy our little house and she got along famously with Rosemary. While Rosemary was mostly silent about her feelings towards me my mother would say, “You have to treat Rosemary well. She adores you.”

In those languid days we sometimes had languid siestas. What a luxury they were in a life and times that now seem to be so far away and so simple.

I have been writing of late blogs that I insert back to December of last year. I would like to think that my blog is a daily blog. This seems like cheating. This laundry blog I am writing today January 10 2021.