
Monday, April 04, 2016

Lauren & My Sailor Whites

One of the definite advantages about being a father and grandfather is that it has enabled me to have many years of closeness with young girls. First they were my two daughters, Ale and Hilary and now I have the pleasure of the company of my two granddaughters (one is 18 so not so little girl), Rebecca and Lauren, 13.

This was most evident last Saturday. Lauren came over and I showed her Rosemary’s Queen’s University beret. I put it on her and she smiled. Then I thought about it (knowing that French sailors have a red pompon on the top of their hats) and went to our family memorabilia armoire in the piano room.  There I took out my summer whites (I had subsequently cut the long sleeves, in later years after finishing my conscription). Lauren put them on. I then told her, “On some other day we can photograph you in that.” She instantly said, “Let’s do it now as your studio is ready and you will not have to put your equipment away as you did in the Athlone house.” Lauren was right as I had a provisional studio between the living room and the dining room and I always had to pack up and take the stuff to the basement.

I took one Fuji Instant Colour print and the four exposures you see here. I used my venerable Mamiya RB-67 Pro-SD with a 90 mm lens.

Scanned peel from Fuji Colur Instant Film (alas! discontinued)

I am sure that a couple of weeks ago I threw the summer white top into a carboard box. But my Rosemary (who always knows) took it out and placed it in the armoire. Bless her! And bless that Lauren who is still a little girl.