
Saturday, October 31, 2015

Lauren Elizabeth Stewart's Take On Halloween

Lauren Elizabeth Stewart, 13, Halloween 2015 - Makeup Rebecca Anne Stewart, 18

What Halloween means to me is buying my costume and decorating the house with spooky art work and putting up spider webs. I also like carving pumpkins and roasting pumpkin seeds. My neighbor Alina came and carved a pumpkin with me. She doesn’t celebrate Halloween, but this year she wanted to carve a pumpkin for the first time, so she did. 

On Halloween we have a party at school and eat a lot of candy. When I go trick-or-treating today I am going out with my friend Kaia and she is going to dress as a dead Marie Antoinette, and I am being a dead Red Riding Hood. I think that Halloween is one of the most fun holidays because you get to go out with your friends and get lots and lots of candy. 

At our school party there is was a scary movie and music so you could dance. The grade 7’s danced to the song “Thriller” in front of the school. When I stop trick-or-treating I will probably be 15 by then. 

This year will be best Halloween ever, and this is why I like it so much.