
Friday, December 20, 2013

A Christmas Card Today From Many Christmases Past

Except for the fact that Rosemary now has a very good and new laptop (purchased last year) and that my 16 year-old granddaughter, 16, is giving us tremendous problems, our life in 2013 was pretty good.

I wrote about it here and I don’t think I can top it. Lauren is now 11 but she still acts like a little girl even though she understands that Santa Claus does not exist and that her father is really the Tooth Fairy.

It is snowing outside so I can almost celebrate a white Christmas looking out of the window into the back garden as I write this.

There is a smile on my face because while Christmases change from year to year (and we think not for the better) there is one most pleasant constant. This is a Christmas card from my friend the illustrator Dick Allen and his wife Susan.

I know Allen because many years ago he did paste-up work at Vancouver Magazine. With the then art director Rick Staehling and animator Marv Newland they had attended the prestigious Art Center in LA. 

Allen, I sometimes think, lives daily in the past but when he emerges from his house he does so in a time machine that  brings him to this present.  I like Allen's past. Perhaps there is less evil (even if evil was always with us), it is a world of many colours but pastels, too. It is pleasant to admire a Christmas card, one that has come in an envelope with a stamp and addressed in very nice handwriting. I like to think that the envelope, in spite of its contemporary digital coded date really came in Allen's time machine and that he hand delivered it one evening when I was not looking.

Thank you Dick Allen for this real Christmas cheer. And a very Merry Christmas to you and Susan.