
Sunday, July 03, 2011

Felis catus domesticus sapiens sapiens 'Plata'

Plata - Felis domesticus sapiens sapiens
 In our efforts to pack efficiently Rosemary has dedicated Hilary’s former room as a staging area (there are two beds there) for what we are taking to the Santa Fe Ranch. Sometimes (and more these days) Plata sleeps in a chair in that room and only transfers herself to our bed in the latter part of the night. I am convinced she knows. Today (and I am cheating as I am writing this blog on July 5) as I pack the Malibu Plata is visibly disturbed. I would go as far as saying she is paranoid (I have a degree in psychiatry from F.W. Woolworth’s as my grandmother would often say).

I look at Rosemary’s Casi and he certainly resembles the inscrutability of the ancient Egyptian Sphinx. I wonder if he knows or he is simply showing a stiff upper lip (who knows Casi might have some of the Manchester blood of the Haywards) and providing Plata with a form of stability. I wonder if a three week absence by his masters will pass quickly or seem like a cat nap? Who knows? But I am convinced that Plata is on to something and I already look forward to seeing her. Whenever Rosemary or I arrive in the car she goes out to greet us and when we place our hand so high she jumps up to it like a trained seal. We will miss our felines.