
Friday, January 03, 2025

Found III


 Found I

Found II

Extreme old age affects me in that I am trying to put order into my chaotic life. I am busy finding stuff and when it is photographic I file it away. I will not care what happens to all of it once I am gone.

I ran into a friend from the Vancouver Sun (one of the last journalists) who is urging me to donate my negatives, slides and photographs to the Vancouver Archive. I told them that most archives are where photographs and documents go to die.

If nobody is interested in my stuff while I am alive why should I care when I am in oblivion?

 These panoramics of our Kerrisdale corner garden on Athlone Street, I took with my German swivel lens panoramic camera, a Noblex.

At the very least with that garden my Rosemary made me a good gardener like she was and I developed a liking for Greek and Latin botanical nomenclature. The garden was so spectacular that it appeared in several gardening magazines including Better Homes and Gardens. Bus loads of Americans would come to see it.

Like my Rosemary that garden is gone. It has become a bittersweet  memory of what perfection can be in what I now believe is a mediocre Vancouver that is culturally sterile.