
Sunday, June 02, 2024

A Hunk Makes the New York Times Crime & Mystery Page

Brutalism in portraiture

A man with style

Cuffed Festival  

 A neon synchronicity 

My eureka moment

Somehow since 1979 William Deverell, lawyer and then writer and I have crossed paths many times. My blog links are above. Here is the review in today's New York Times that is paywall-free:

Review of Deverell's The Long-Shot Trial

Because my father was an alcoholic and many others on his side of the family I have been a non-drinker (just in case). In the many books that I have read with alcoholic protagonists, I believe that Deverell’s Arthur Beauchamp (has to be pronounced with a Montreal accent) is one of the most realistic and endearing alcholics in literature.

But I will change the topic here to a Bill Richardson/Bunny Watson detour. In this 20th century you cannot call a beautiful woman a babe and get away with it. But correctness has yet to drift in the direction on how men are described.

In any other country and especially in the United States, William Deverell would be called a hunk. I think he is a hunk. And his voice goes along with that definition.



At Binky's Oyster Bar next to the Manhattan Bookstore - 1979