
Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Inspired by Georgia O'Keeffe

Rosa 'Susan Williams- Ellis' & blue iris - 22 May 2024

White Rose with Larkspur  No.2 - 1927 Georgia O'Keeffe


Thanks to my art mentor Juan Manuel Sánchez and the excellent education I received at St.Edward’s High School in Austin, Texas I have an art education that is improving with advanced age. Because I am a product of the 20th century, the era of the black dial phone I have a fairly good knowledge of the photographers that preceded me all the way to that first one, Joseph Nicéphore Niépce.

Working with good magazine art directors in Vancouver like Chris Dahl and Rick Staehling and in Toronto with Barbara Solowan, I was pushed and not so gently told what to do. They took me away from my comfort zone. These art directors liked to look at the best American magazines and suggested I sort of copy the style of this photographer or that.

I would say that in at least  35 of my years as a magazine photographer I have not only imitated but I have managed to adapt the style of other photographers (and very important) painters and sculptors.

My journey in appreciating Georgia O’Keeffe began in Austin and from there I noticed how my most fave photographer, Philippe Halsman had photographer her. From there I noticed a striking photograph of her holding a black rock by Life photographer (and wonderful writer) John Loengard.


My snapshot of Philippe Halsman's book  in my Kerrisdale living room


Recently I saw O’Keefe’s White Rose with Larkspur in a book. I was floored by its beauty. I wanted to make my own version but I knew that since Rosemary and I moved from our large Kerrisdale corner garden to the little one here in Kitsilan I have no more delphinions (that Larkspur). I decided that I would use a bearded blue iris. 


Photograph by John Loengard

 John Loengard -  A man with style

I am pleased with the result as it pleases me and I don’t really care if anybody else likes it. At this stage of my life I do things to please myself.  The only exception is that I also try to please my two cats, Niño and Niña. 


Delphinium x cultivar 'Finsteraarehorn - Kerrisdale 2014