
Thursday, April 25, 2024

That Chlorophyllograph Framed


This blog is the second one that represents and essay that I will tape in back of the framed inkjet print of Rosemary and Alexandra (1969) done as a chlorophyllograph. My North Vancouver photographer Ralph Rinke inspired and taught me to do a b+w inkjet transparency and to mount it on a hosta leaf in summer sun. The leaf is tightly clamped between a backing and glass. I left this one four hours in the sun. The chlorophyll and the sun left the image. Rinke believes that even in protection from sunlight in a home, the image begins to fade. Thus I placed the hosta leaf ( Hosta ‘Paul’s Glory’) on my mother’s red Mexican rebozo. Rosemary and I used to go to a nearby store called Hob where they had quality used stuff. It was there where be bought this frame (cheap it was) and many more. Of late I am trying to use them all up. My daughters will either have to quietly decide who gets what or…. I hope they don’t fight over them.

Because this is a chlorophyll print, I call it a chlorophyllograph which makes me a chlorophylographer.