
Sunday, February 10, 2019

The Stuff that Dreams Were Made Of

Today while looking at negatives of Joani Taylor (I found some) for this blog I noticed these two photographs. They are of the small art room at Vancouver Magazine when it was located on Hornby Street & Nelson. 

In the picture standing ( with a beard) on the left is art director Richard Staehling. In the back, standing is editorial assistant Kerry McPhedran. Sitting in front of her is Editor Malcolm Parry. The idiot standing and lighting his pipe is yours truly.

There is a wonder in me when I locate a moment in time (taken perhaps at 1/30 of a second) of an event I have no memory of but the photograph reveals that it did happen. In circa 1981 when this photograph was taken photography was a trusted medium. It was so.

It is amazing to note that the quaint office with the living room type of lamp and rattan furniture could have been one in which the best magazine this city ever had was put together. I can see on the bottom right my open and very heavy photo bag. Because it was so heavy and I carried it on my right shoulder I am suffering the consequences now of a having a bad right knee.

Those were the days of dreaming. You might have an idea in the middle of the night. You might then have gone to Vancouver Magazine and passed Mac’s open door with a, “I have an idea…” and then perhaps a month later the idea made it on the cover.

I wish I could dream again. But I can at least certify that all the people of the photograph (I have no memory who might have taken it) are alive and well.