“if we had come up for the first time from
two wells where we had hitherto been bred her astonishment would not be greater
at some things I say”
Emily Dickinson
Lavinia Norcross Dickinson |
One Sister have I in our house -
And one a hedge away.
There’s only one recorded,
But both belong to me.
One came the way that I came -
And wore my past year’s gown -
The other as a bird her nest,
Builded our hearts among.
She did not sing as we did -
It was a different tune -
Herself to her a Music
As Bumble-bee of June.
Today is far from Childhood -
But up and down the hills
I held her hand the tighter -
Which shortened all the miles -
And still her hum
The years among,
Deceives the Butterfly;
Still in her Eye
The Violets lie
Mouldered this many May.
I spilt the dew -
But took the morn, -
I chose this single star
From out the wide night’s numbers -
Sue - forevermore!
Emily Dickinson
Pray gather me anemone!
Ample make her bed
His caravan of red
Me-come! My dazzled face
Develops pearl and weed
Pray gather me anemone!
Ample make her bed
His caravan of red
Me-come! My dazzled face
Develops pearl and weed
But peers beyond her mesh
Surgeons must be very careful
Water is taught by thirst
I could not prove that years had feet
April played her fiddle
A violin in Baize replaced
I think the longest hour
The spirit lasts