
Friday, March 21, 2014

I Am Abraham & Mileage On Twitter With Old Photographs

One of my favourite writers in Newyorican Jerome Charyn. Recently he published I Am Abraham a novel on Abraham Lincoln. Like his previous novel The Secret Life of Emily Dickinson, I Am Abraham is a first person autobiographical novel. Charyn’s novel puts us into the head and mouth of Lincoln.

Thanks to the internet and that I have a daily blog (over 3000 of them since I began in January 2006) I am able to write about anything I want (I rarely rant) and I illustrate it to my taste. Luckily some years ago I traveled to New York to interview and photograph Jerome Charyn. This means that I can illustrate my I Am Abraham “reviews” with my portraits of him.

After I write a blog I then put a link into facebook (note that this must be in lower case) and in Twitter. It just so happens that Charyn has three Twitter handles, one as Charyn, one for his Lincoln novel and the other for the Secret Life of Emily Dickinson. His friend/agent Leonore Riegel also has a Twitter handle. And some of these Charyn/Riegel connections are in facebook.

All that means is that I can re-tweet and re-facebook to my heart’s content.

Then I had another idea. I used the wonderful American Civil War photographs available in the Library of Congress and other official sites to illustrate (not the blog) but the Twitter and facebook re-postings.

A few days ago I received a notification from Twitter about my two most popular tweets of the week.

It would seem that the attraction consisted in the old photographs I used. My friend John Lekich has explained. “They are old photographs but those people look alive.” 

Teddy's Desk

That Silver Sword of Appomattox

That Dark Lady from Belorusse

And Zero at the Bone

Currer Bell

Glock- Verb-Transitive

Blue Eyes, the butterfly and a picot

That Vampire of Paris